by Roxi Rose | 07.07.2016 | Blog, Cars, Lifestyle
by Roxi Rose | 16.06.2016 | Blog, Business & Social, Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel
Play here: Mahmut Orhan - Vesaire (Boral Kibil Remix) ”There’s no way to really mock up or simulate what I’m doing until I’m there. An exhibition for me is not a statement but an experiment.” -Robert Irwin „Nu există nici o posibilitate să pot...
by Roxi Rose | 02.06.2016 | Blog, Business & Social, Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel
News post! …and an invitation as well. ”Business platform, observatory over the international markets, trend laboratory: Expo Riva Schuh.” „O platformă a afacerilor, observator al piețelor internaționale, laborator al modei: Expo Riva Schuh.” [ezcol_1half]...
by Roxi Rose | 09.05.2016 | Blog, Fashion, Lifestyle
EN: „Jewelry is something that has to do with emotion. That aspect of jewelry really interests me.” -Ann Demeulemeester RO: „Bijuteriile au ceva de-a face cu emoțiile. Acesta este aspectul care mă intrigă la ele.” -Ann Demeulemeester English / Română 2 years have...
by Roxi Rose | 04.05.2016 | Blog, Lifestyle
Monoir & Osaka - The Violin Song ”Art is more than what you see. Art is what you feel.” „Arta este mai mult decat ceea ce vezi. Arta este ceea ce simti.” English / Română I remember… I remember things from when I was little like everything happened yesterday....
by Roxi Rose | 20.04.2016 | Blog, Cinema, Lifestyle
Parallel Universe Read in English / Română Well, the awaited moment has arrived! Especially for the most loyal customer of Cinema City Timisoara commuted almost weekly to watch her movies in Arad. Funny facts ?That Client was me, because I got tired of queues and...