by Roxi Rose | 27.03.2016 | Blog, Food & Drinks, Lifestyle
First of the first, play the sound: Ahrix - Nova Roxi Rose’s Home Afternoons The Hugo Cocktail – made with Bottega Prosecco and YO elderflower syrup You know…? When people visit eachother and the host asks the guests what to serve, guests say,...
by Roxi Rose | 24.12.2015 | Blog, Lifestyle
Photo Post. Just scroll, no words for this, because the Christmas feeling can`t be explained.
by Roxi Rose | 07.12.2015 | Blog, Lifestyle
EN/RO ”Life is short. Do what you want to do, now.” ”Viața este scurtă. Fă ceea ce ți-ai propus, acum.” [ezcol_1half] EN: I think each of us has at home at least one CD with Christmas music. Classical carols, old songs etc. Those who know me know I’m not a party...
by Roxi Rose | 17.05.2015 | Blog, Lifestyle
by Roxi Rose | 30.04.2015 | Blog, Lifestyle
„Chiar si culoarea care ne face placere vizuala, in unele combinatii creeaza repulsie.” ”Even the color that gives us visual pleasure, in some combinations creates repulsion.” [ezcol_1half] Română La început a fost planeta și nu omul, de unde rezultă limpede că tot...