A gate to everything beautiful.

by RoxiRose.

I'm just a story teller. But so much more...

About me

All I want is to spread beauty across the world.

this is my diary.

Here I write and inspire. At least… I aspire to inspire. I see beauty in everything and the main reason for which I created this blog was to try to make other people see the beauty that hides in our life. Here are some of the main subjects that I love to write about:

Lifestyle & Love

Lifestyle: that’s such a small word for describind something so… universal!

Fashion & Beauty

Fashion is a present touch of a personal style and beauty is everywhere… My mission is to help you see them in every aspect of your life.

Travel & Cars

Fast cars and shooting stars… We might share different passions as human beings but in the end we are all part of the same planet.
Recent Stories

Fashion Blog • Beauty Blog • Lifestyle Blog • Travel Blog • Auto & Cars Blog • Style Blog

Romania – Timisoara

Christmas Gifts Guide by Uniconf

Christmas Gifts Guide by Uniconf

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Code of Conduct

“There are three roles in a show: the organisers, the artists and the public. Life’s a spectacle. Choose your role.”

Roxi Rose

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contact {at} roxi rose . com

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