#CottonMeansClassy +GIVEAWAY

#CottonMeansClassy +GIVEAWAY

”In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow „Chiar dacă vorbim despre caracter, maniere, stil sau despre toate lucrurile, excelența supremă înseamnă simplitate.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow...


”My favourite thing in my wardrobe is my jewelry.” -Kate Reardon „Lucrurile mele preferate din garderoba sunt bijuteriile.” -Kate Reardon Gwala Vision - Sophisticated [ezcol_1half] Română Am avut întotdeauna afinitate pentru bijuterii… Dar nu le-am pus...
Expo Riva Schuh Italy

Expo Riva Schuh Italy

News post! …and an invitation as well. ”Business platform, observatory over the international markets, trend laboratory: Expo Riva Schuh.” „O platformă a afacerilor, observator al piețelor internaționale, laborator al modei: Expo Riva Schuh.” [ezcol_1half]...
Good luck charms?!

Good luck charms?!

„Ia cu tine acest … pentru a-ți purta noroc.” „Take this … with you for good luck.” Play this „hit”: Monoir & Osaka - The Violin Song [ezcol_1half] English The word that completes the above quote is “charm”. We are familiar with these items...
-SOUFEEL- One’s Unique Story

-SOUFEEL- One’s Unique Story

EN: „Jewelry is something that has to do with emotion. That aspect of jewelry really interests me.” -Ann Demeulemeester RO: „Bijuteriile au ceva de-a face cu emoțiile. Acesta este aspectul care mă intrigă la ele.” -Ann Demeulemeester English / Română 2 years have...
Wall Art with Posterlounge

Wall Art with Posterlounge

Monoir & Osaka - The Violin Song ”Art is more than what you see. Art is what you feel.” „Arta este mai mult decat ceea ce vezi. Arta este ceea ce simti.” English / Română I remember… I remember things from when I was little like everything happened yesterday....
key2 romania Top bloggeri de beauty lifestyle Romania